Statement of Support for IPAC Members Uffe Elbæk MP and Katarina Ammitzbøll MP

January 9, 2021

We, co-chairs of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, are deeply disturbed by reports that the Hong Kong authorities are considering prosecuting IPAC Denmark members Uffe Elbæk MP and Katarina Ammitzbøll MP for their connection to exiled Hong Kong activist Ted Hui.

The proposed charges against the Danish lawmakers are illegitimate and false. The invitation extended to then Hong Kong Legislative Council Member Ted Hui to visit the Danish Parliament violated no laws or established norms. The Chinese and Hong Kong authorities have no right to seek to control or limit the exchanges made by democratically elected representatives in Denmark or any other sovereign state.

These moves once again demonstrate the Chinese Communist Party’s determination to single out and silence dissenting voices in Hong Kong and across the democratic world.

We call on our respective governments to unequivocally condemn these attempts to intimidate our elected representatives and interfere with our free democratic life.

We stand united in solidarity with Ted Hui, Uffe Elbæk and Katarina Ammitzbøll during this time and commend their courageous efforts.

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