Statement on Chinese Coast Guard Aggression an Provocation

We, the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC), are united in condemning aggressive and provocative behavior by the Chinese Coast Guard (CCG) around the Spratly Islands.
Beijing is seeking to impose and enforce “no trespass” rules around the Second Thomas Shoal. These rules have no basis in law. On the contrary, in 2016, when asked about the matter, the Arbitral Tribunal established by the United Nations Convention on the Laws Of the Sea - to which both the Philippines and China are a party - ruled that the Shoal was in the Exclusive Economic Zone of the Philippines.
Despite this recent ruling, China seems intent to pursue an escalatory path, disrupting Filipino operations in the area, employing violent tactics, and risking conflict by testing the commitment of the United States to defend the Philippines.
- We remind Beijing that no international body recognises their claim of jurisdiction over the Second Thomas Shoal, regardless of the outlandish assertions of the so-called Nine Dash Line;
- We applaud the Armed Forces of the Philippines for showing restraint in the face of extreme provocation;
- We call upon our governments to condemn Beijing’s disregard for the judgments of legitimate international bodies;
- Finally, we call upon our governments to express solidarity for the Philippines, who are having to endure persistent and aggressive intrusions from the Chinese authorities.
Sen. Centa Rek Lopez 🇧🇴
Dr. Sanela Klarić MP 🇧🇦
Adi Kalem MP 🇧🇦
Antonio Milošoski 🇲🇰
Fatmir Bytyqi MP 🇲🇰
Ingrid Leary MP 🇳🇿
Joseph Mooney MP 🇳🇿
Rep Gen Nakatani 🇯🇵
Sen. James Patterson 🇦🇺
Miriam Lexmann MEP 🇪🇺
Sen. Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata 🇮🇹
Paolo Formentini MP 🇮🇹
Morten Messerschmidt MP 🇩🇰
Sen. Barry Ward 🇮🇪
Rep. Rufus Rodriguez 🇵🇭
Rep. Adrian Amatong 🇵🇭
Cătălin Teniță MP 🇷🇴
Sen. Olivier Cadic 🇫🇷
Eduardo Nakayama 🇵🇾
Sen. Pavel Fischer 🇨🇿