IPAC Statement on Reports of Weapons Shipments Between China and Russia

The Inter Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC) expresses deep concern about recent reports indicating that Chinese companies may be supplying weapons to Russia.
Any material support for Russian aggression in Ukraine from China would be a development of an extremely serious nature, necessitating serious consequences.
This troubling report and the associated evidence must immediately be shared with relevant parliamentary bodies to allow for the scrutiny that such a significant development demands.
We will press our governments to ensure that they stand ready to adopt a resolute position if it emerges that these weapons transfers were sanctioned.
Beijing must be under no illusions about the devastating impact such actions would have upon their global standing.
Reinhard Bütikofer MEP (European Union)
Senator André Gattolin (France)
Cătălin Teniță MP (Romania)
Alexandru Mauraru (Romania)
Simon O’Connor MP (New Zealand)
Ingrid Leary MP (New Zealand)
Žygimantas Pavilionis MP (Lithuania)
Elisabet Lann (Sweden)
Fatmir Mediu MP (Albania)
Oleksandar Merezhko (Ukraine)
Mykola Kniazhytskyi (Ukraine)
Baroness Helena Kennedy (United Kingdom)
Tim Loughton MP (United Kingdom)
Iain Duncan Smith MP (United Kingdom)
Sjoerd Sjoerdsma MP (The Netherlands)
Dovilė Šakalienė MP (Lithuania)
Boris Mijatović MdB (Germany)
Pavel Fischer (Czechia)
Hon. Irwin Cotler (Canada)
Rep. Georges Dallemagne (Belgium)