Statement on the Election of Hu Binchen to INTERPOL Executive Committee

The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC) is deeply concerned by the election of senior Chinese government official Hu Binchen to the INTERPOL Executive Committee at today’s General Assembly meeting.
The government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) has repeatedly abused the INTERPOL Red Notice to persecute dissidents in exile. Hu’s election gives the PRC government a green light to continue using INTERPOL as a vehicle for its repressive policies globally and places thousands of Hong Konger, Uyghur, Tibetan, Taiwanese and Chinese dissidents living abroad at even graver risk.
The PRC cannot be allowed to continue its long arm policing abroad. In light of these abuses, we reiterate our call for all governments to revoke extradition treaties with the PRC and Hong Kong. Activists, dissidents and exiles living abroad must be protected from harassment and intimidation from the PRC authorities.