IPAC Statement on the Derge Dam Construction in Tibet

The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China expresses strong support for the communication undersigned by 13 UN Special Procedures, raising human rights and environmental concerns about the Kamtok (Gangtuo) dam construction project initiated by the People’s Republic of China (PRC), that will destroy several Tibetan monasteries, and force residents from their villages in the Tibetan area of Derge.
This construction project represents a clear violation of the cultural rights of Tibetans, an act of environmental sabotage, and indicates the depths to which PRC is willing to sink to extract and profit from Tibet.
We urge our respective governments to make strong representations against this construction, in favour of the fundamental rights of Tibetans.
Fatmir Mediu MP, Albania
Rep Els Van Hoof, Belgium
Senator Centa Rek Lopez, Bolivia
Senator Pavel Fischer, Czechia
Rep Eva Decroix, Czechia
Miriam Lexmann MEP, European Parliament
Senator Olivier Cadic, France
Boris Mijatovic MdB, Germany
Michael Brand MdB, Germany
Dovilė Šakalienė, Lithuania
Žygimantas Pavilionis, Lithuania
Jan Paternotte MP, the Netherlands
Tom Van Der Lee MP, the Netherlands
Fatmir Bytyqi MP, North Macedonia
Guri Melby MP, Norway
Ingrid Leary MP, New Zealand
Fabian Molina MP, Switzerland
Peter Kenilorea MP, Solomon Islands
Hon Elisabet Lann, Sweden
Joar Forssell MP, Sweden
Rep Chen Gau Tzu, Taiwan
Rep Fan Yun, Taiwan
Mykola Kniazhytskyi, Ukraine
Oleksandr Merezhko, Ukraine
Sir Iain Duncan Smith MP, United Kingdom
Rep Eduardo Lust, Uruguay