Statement on Taiwan Elections

The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China congratulates the people of Taiwan upon concluding a peaceful election in the face of unprecedented interference from the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Against a backdrop of rising authoritarianism in the region, Taiwan is a beacon of vigorous democratic debate, exposing as false the trope that only the PRC’s “Whole Process People’s Democracy” is suited to the region. IPAC is united in congratulating the winners, whoever they may be.
Signed by:
Fatmir Mediu MP, Albania
Peter Khalil MP, Australia
Senator James Paterson, Australia
Daniel Mulino MP, Australia
Representative Els Van Hoof, Belgium
Judy Sgro MP, Canada
James Bezan MP, Canada
Senator Pierre Dalphond, Canada
Senator Pavel Fischer, Czechia
Miriam Lexmann MEP, European Union
Reinhard Bütikofer MEP, European Union
Hilde Vautmans MEP, European Union
Engin Erogiu MEP, European Union
Anna Fotyga MEP, European Union
David Lega MEP, European Union
Constance Le Grip MP, France
Senator Olivier Cadic, France
Andre Gattolin, France
Boris Mijatovic MdB, Germany
Gyde Jensen MdB, Germany
Michael Brand MdB, Germany
Erin McGreehan, Ireland
Senator Barry Ward, Ireland
Senator Michael McDowell, Ireland
Representative Gen Nakatani, Japan
Representative Shu Sakurai, Japan
Councilor Yasue Funayama, Japan
Žygimantas Pavilionis MP, Lithuania
Dovilė Šakalienė MP, Lithuania
Ingrid Leary MP, New Zealand
Tom van der Lee MP, The Netherlands
Jan Paternotte MP, The Netherlands
Guri Melby MP, Norway
Rasmus Hansson, Norway
Senator Gustavo Leite, Paraguay
Representative Adrian Amatong, The Philippines
Cătălin Teniță MP, Romania
Councillor Elisabet Lann, Sweden
Joar Forssell MP, Sweden
Antonio Miloshoski MP, North Marcedonia
Fabian Molina MP, Switzerland
Nicolas Walder MP, Switzerland
Mykola Kniatsynski MP, Ukraine
Oleksandr Merezhko MP, Ukraine
Sir Iain Duncan Smith MP, United Kingdom
Lord Alton of Liverpool, United Kingdom
Layla Moran MP, United Kingdom
Baroness Meyer of Nine Elms, United Kingdom
Carolyn Harris MP, United Kingdom
Stewart McDonald MP, United Kingdom
Alistair Carmichael MP, United Kingdom
Bob Seely MP, United Kingdom
Marie Rimmer MP, United Kingdom
Wera Hobhouse MP, United Kingdom
Andrew Selous MP, United Kingdom
Judith Cummins MP, United Kingdom
Geraint Davies MP, United Kingdom
Lord Bethell of Romford, United Kingdom