IPAC condemns PRC interference in its Taipei Summit

July 28, 2024

As reported today by the Associated Press, IPAC members were contacted by PRC embassies in their respective countries in a clear attempt to intimidate and dissuade them from traveling to IPAC’s Annual Summit in Taipei

Eight lawmakers in at least five countries reported receiving emails and/or phone calls from PRC diplomatic officials prior to their departure for the IPAC Summit in Taipei. Some discovered their party leadership had been contacted to exert additional pressure. One lawmaker was specifically invited to travel to the PRC rather than travel to Taipei. 

IPAC deplores and condemns the PRC’s attempt to interfere in its Annual Summit. Democratically elected lawmakers are free to visit and support causes of their choosing. This is the normal exercise of their rights and responsibilities as elected officials.

The PRC’s actions around IPAC’s Summit are yet another example of their brazen efforts to curtail other nations’ democratic privileges and negate Taiwan’s rights to engage in legitimate diplomatic exchanges. 

As these interactions do not conform to the conduct of normal diplomatic relations between sovereign nations, IPAC members reserve the right to lodge formal representations and complaints with their respective Foreign Ministries. 

IPAC will hold its fourth Annual Summit in Taiwan on July 30th, with 48 cross-party lawmakers from 24 countries across 5 continents set to partake.

It will be the largest parliamentary delegation ever to visit Taiwan in an institutional capacity. A full list of IPAC delegates is attached to this release.

In response to the PRCs intimidation, IPAC has decided to bring forward its announcement of our largest ever enlargement, welcoming six new countries to the Alliance: Colombia, Iraq, Malawi, Solomon Islands, The Gambia and Uruguay.  

For media inquiries, please contact press@ipac.global

IPAC 譴責中華人民共和國干預其台北峰會;宣布在“一帶一路”重點國家擴展網絡。

據美聯社 (Associated Press) 今日報導,對中政策跨國議會聯盟(IPAC)成員分別在各自國家接到中華人民共和國大使館的聯繫,以恐嚇、勸喻等方法阻撓他們前往台北參加 IPAC 年度峰會

至少有五個國家的八名立法者報稱在出發前往台北參加 IPAC 峰會之前,收到了來自中華人民共和國外交官的電子郵件和/或電話。當中一些立法者所屬的黨派領導層也受到了聯繫以施加額外壓力。一名立法者被中方邀請前往中國,取代其本來前往台北的行程。

IPAC 譴責並反對中華人民共和國干預其年度峰會的行為。民意代表擁有自由地造訪其他地方和支持其所相信的信念的權利。這是他們行使其身份之權利和責任的正常行為。

中華人民共和國阻撓 IPAC 峰會的行動是其公然損害其他國家民主權利並否定台灣進行合法外交交流權利的又一例證。

由於這些互動不符合主權國家之間正常外交關係的行為準則,IPAC 成員保留向各自外交部提出正式申訴和投訴的權利。

IPAC 將於7月30日在台北舉行第四屆年度峰會,來自五大洲24個國家的48名跨黨派立法者將參加此次峰會。


為應對中華人民共和國的恫嚇,IPAC 決定提前宣布我們有史以來最大規模的擴展,歡迎六個新國家加入聯盟:哥倫比亞、伊拉克、馬拉維、所羅門群島、岡比亞及烏拉圭。

如有任何查詢,請聯絡 press@ipac.global


IPAC Taipei Summit - Delegate List

Reinhard Butikofer - Co-Convenor of IPAC Legislator-Expert Forum

Sen David Fawcett - IPAC Australia 

Sen Deborah O'Neill - IPAC Australia 

Hugh McDermott MP - IPAC Australia 

Sen Cecilia Requena - IPAC Bolivia 

Sen Centa Rek - IPAC Bolivia 

Sanela Klaric MP - IPAC Bosnia & Herzegovina

Kevin Vuong MP - IPAC Canada 

Yves Perron MP - IPAC Canada

Milene Jarava MP - IPAC Colombia 

Paola Holguin - IPAC Colombia 

Eva Decroix MP - IPAC Czechia 

Hayato Okamura MP - IPAC Czechia 

Karsten Hønge MP - IPAC Denmark

Miriam Lexmann MP - IPAC EU (Slovakia) 

Sen Olivier Cadic - IPAC France

Boris Mijatovic MdB - IPAC Germany 

Frank Müller-Rosentritt MdB - IPAC Germany 

Sujeet Kumar MP - IPAC India 

Sen Malcolm Byrne - IPAC Ireland 

Rep Gen Nakatani - IPAC Japan

Rep Hirofumi Takinami - IPAC Japan

Rep Ryohei Iwatani - IPAC Japan

Rep Shu Sakurai - IPAC Japan

Rep Shun Otokita - IPAC Japan

Rep Taro Honda - IPAC Japan

Rep Toshitaka Ooka - IPAC Japan

Rep Tsukasa Abe - IPAC Japan

Rep Yasue Funayama - IPAC Japan

Avdullah Hoti MP - IPAC Kosovo 

Dovilė Šakalienė MP - IPAC Lithuania 

Marius Matijosaitis MP - IPAC Lithuania 

Jan Paternotte MP - IPAC Netherlands 

Antonio Miloshoski MP - IPAC North Macedonia

Fatmir Bytyqi MP - IPAC North Macedonia

Sen Eduardo Nakayama - IPAC Paraguay

Sen Gustavo Leite - IPAC Paraguay

Alexandru Muraru MP - IPAC Romania

Cătălin Teniță MP -IPAC Romania

Peter Kenilorea Jr MP - IPAC Solomon Islands

Hon Elisabet Lann - IPAC Sweden

Chris Law MP - IPAC United Kingdom

Iain Duncan Smith MP - IPAC United Kingdom

Marie Rimmer MP - IPAC United Kingdom

Sarah Champion MP - IPAC United Kingdom

Stewart McDonald - IPAC United Kingdom

Tim Loughton - IPAC United Kingdom

Sen Eduardo Lust - IPAC Uruguay

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