Parliamentarians from 22 Countries Lead ‘Do Not Extradite’ Pledge

The government of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is carrying out a global campaign of threats and intimidation against Uyghurs, Tibetans, Hong Kongers, Chinese dissidents and other activists abroad. Those extradited or deported to the PRC will not face a fair trial and are at severe risk of persecution, arbitrary detention and torture.
We, as legislators from across the world, pledge to advocate on behalf of all those facing extradition or deportation to the PRC based on their ethnic, religious or political status or activities, and call on our governments to put a stop to all attempts to harass and intimidate these groups in our jurisdictions.
Senator Eric Abetz (Australia)
Kevin Andrews MP (Australia)
George Christenson MP (Australia)
Senator James Paterson (Australia)
Senator Kimberley Kitching (Australia)
Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells (Australia)
Cassy O’Connor MP (Australia)
George Christensen MP (Australia)
Samuel Cogolati MP (Belgium)
Georges Dallemagne MP (Belgium)
Els Van Hoof MP (Belgium)
Mu Sochua (Cambodia)
Hon. Irwin Cotler (Canada)
Senator Pierre J. Dalphond (Canada)
James Bezan MP (Canada)
Senator Thanh Hai Ngo (Canada)
Garnett Genuis MP (Canada)
Senator Pavel Fischer (Czechia)
Katarina Ammitzboll MP (Denmark)
Uffe Elbaek MP (Denmark)
Reinhard Bütikofer MEP (European Parliament, Germany)
Miriam Lexmann MEP (European Parliament, Slovakia)
Viola von Cramon MEP (European Parliament, Germany)
Mikuláš Peksa MEP (European Parliament, Czech Republic)
Michael Gahler MEP (European Parliament, Germany)
Rasa Jukneviciene MEP (European Parliament, Lithuania)
Riho Terras MEP (European Parliament, Estonia)
Petras Austrevicius MEP (European Parliament, Lithuania)
Engin Eroglu MEP (European Parliament, Germany)
Anna Fotyga MEP (European Parliament, Poland)
David Lega MEP (European Parliament, Sweden)
Alexandr Vondra MEP (European Parliament, Czech Republic)
Hermann Tertsch MEP (European Parliament, Spain)
Bert-Jan Ruissen MEP (European Parliament, The Netherlands)
Charlie Weimers MEP (European Parliament, Sweden)
Guy Verhofstadt MEP (European Parliament, Belgium)
François-Xavier Bellamy MEP (European Parliament, France)
Ms Frédérique Dumas (France)
Senator André Gattolin (France)
Constance Le Grip (France)
Michael Brand MdB (Germany)
Gyde Jensen MdB (Germany)
Senator Mary Seery Kearney (Ireland)
Senator David Norris (Ireland)
Senator Michael McDowell (Ireland)
Senator Malcolm Byrne (Ireland)
Senator Barry Ward (Ireland)
Dovilė Šakalienė MP (Lithuanian)
Emanuelis Zingeris MP (Lithuania)
Noor Amin MP (Malaysia)
Natrah Ismail MP (Malaysia)
Simon O’Connor MP (New Zealand)
Louisa Wall MP (New Zealand)
Joar Forssell MP (Sweden)
Elisabet Lann (Sweden)
Ann Sofia Alm MP (Sweden)
Niels Paarup-Petersen MP (Sweden)
Fredrik Malm MP (Sweden)
Nicholas Walder MP (Switzerland)
Fabian Molina MP (Switzerland)
Tom van der Lee MP (The Netherlands)
Sjoerd Sjoerdsma MP (The Netherlands)
Lucy Akello MP (Uganda)
Lord David Alton (UK)
Baroness Natalie Bennet (UK)
Wera Hobhouse MP (UK)
Tim Loughton MP (UK)
Layla Moran MP (UK)
Andrew Selous MP (UK)
Bishop Alan Smith (UK)
Henry Smith MP (UK)
Sir Ian Duncan-Smith MP (UK)
Wera Hobhouse MP (UK)
Rosie Cooper MP (UK)
Nus Ghani MP (UK)
Janet Daby MP (UK)
Rep Mike Gallagher (USA)
Representative Anthony Gonzalez (USA)
Representative Tom Malinowski (USA)
Senator Bob Menendez (USA)
Senator Marco Rubio (USA)
Senator Jeff Merkley (USA)