IPAC Letter to Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Catherine Colonna

As reported in Le Monde, IPAC and like-minded legislators have written to French Foreign Minister, Catherine Colonna, following Lu Shaye’s assertion that former Soviet Republics lack sovereign status in international law. The letter calls for the Ambassador to be designated persona non grata. The full letter is available at Le Monde here.
Full list of signatories below:
- Senator Andre Gattolin, France
- Senator Andre Vallini, France
- Senator Rachid Temal, France
- Rep Constance Le Grip, France
- Rep Olivier Cadic, France
- Nicola Beer MEP, Vice-President of the European Parliament
- Reinhard Buetikofer MEP, Chair Delegation for relations with the People’s Republic of China, European Parliament
- Els Van Hoof MP, Chair, Foreign Affairs Committee, Belgium
- Senator Pavel Fischer, Chair, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Security, Czech Senate
- Marek Ženíšek, Chair, Foreign Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, Czechia
- Marko Mikhelson MP, Chair, Foreign Affairs Committee, Estonia
- Michael Roth MdB, Chair, Foreign Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag
- Rihards Kols MP, Chair, Foreign Affairs Committee, Latvia
- Zygimantas Pavilionis MP Chair, Foreign Affairs Committee, Lithuania
- Antonio Miloshoski MP, Chair, Foreign Affairs Committee, North Macedonia
- Bogdan Klich MP, Chair, Foreign and European Union Affairs Committee of Polish Senate
- Ivanna Klympush MP, Chair, European Affairs Committee, Ukraine
- Oleksandr Merezhko MP, Chair, Foreign Affairs Committee, Ukraine
- Miriam Lexmann MEP, European Union
- Petras Auštrevičius MEP, European Union
- Viola von Cramon-Taubadel MEP, European Union
- Marketa Gregorova MEP, European Union
- Daniel Freund MEP, European Union
- Malte Gallée MEP, European Union
- Michael Gahler MEP, European Union
- Daniel Caspary MEP, European Union
- Andrius Kubilius MEP former Prime Minister of Lithuania, President of Euronest
- Vilija Blinkevičiūtė, MEP, European Union
- Alexandra Geese MEP, European Union
- Fatmir Mediu MP, Albania
- Fatmir Xhafa MP, Albania
- Nusret Abdullai MP, Albania
- Greta Bardeli MP, Albania
- Dhurata Cupi MP, Albania
- Bardhyl Kollcaku MP, Albania
- Blerina Gjylameti MP, Albania
- George Dallemagne MP, Belgium
- Matko Kuzmanic MP, Croatia
- Ermina Lekaj MP Croatia
- Eva Decroix MP, Czechia
- Ondrej Lochman, MP, Czechia
- Hayato Okamura MP, Czechia
- Petr Beitl MP Czechia
- Roman Belor MP, Czechia
- Boris Mijatovic MdB, Germany
- Michael Brand MdB, Germany
- Tomas Erndl MdB, Germany
- Lia Quartapelle MP, Italy
- Avdullah Hoti MP, former Prime Minister, Kosova
- Dovile Sakaliene MP, Lithuania
- Eugenijus Sabutis, MP, Lithuania
- Giedrius Suprlys MP, Lithuania
- Sjoerd Sjoerdsma MP, Netherlands
- Tom Van Der Lee MP, Netherlands
- Arta Zendeli MP, North Macedonia
- Andrija Nikolic MP Montenegro
- Damir Sehovic MP Montenegro
- Kacper Płażyński MP, Poland
- Catalin Tenita MP, Romania
- Nicholas Walder MP, Switzerland
- Fabian Molina MP, Switzerland
- Mykola Kniazhytskyi MP, Ukraine
- Bogdan Yaremenko MP, Ukraine
- Alyona Shkrum MP, Ukraine
- Oleksiy Goncharenko MP, Ukraine
- Victoria Podgorna MP, Ukraine
- Henry Smith MP, United Kingdom
- Sir Iain Duncan Smith MP, United Kingdom
- Baroness (Natalie) Bennett, United Kingdom
- Sir Chris Bryant MP, United Kingdom
- Stewart McDonald MP, United Kingdom
- Sir Stephen Timms MP, United Kingdom
- Layla Moran MP, United Kingdom
- Craig MacKinlay MP, United Kingdom
- Carolyn Harris MP, United Kingdom
- Geraint Davies MP, United Kingdom
- Tim Loughton MP, United Kingdom
- Sally-Ann Hart MP, United Kingdom
- Lord (James) Bethell, United Kingdom