Statement on PRC Escalation in Taiwan Strait Tensions

We, the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, strongly condemn Beijing’s unprovoked and escalatory action towards Taiwan, following the inauguration of President Lai.
Violent language about “smashed skulls” and “bloodshed”, together with PRC Eastern Theater military exercises framed as “punishments” by state mouthpieces, are an affront to peace in the region, and a direct challenge to the international community.
Those committed to Cross-Strait stability must not observe silently as Beijing tests the water for an international response. Taiwan’s security is our security and the whole world has a stake in maintaining the Status Quo.
There is no basis in international law for Beijing’s actions. Coming as they did after President Lai’s appeal for calm, these measures are particularly egregious. Should the democratic world permit such calculated and escalatory intimation with no response, we cannot be surprised when further escalations follow.
As Ukraine’s tragedy has taught the world, contemporary dictators should be taken at their word. The opportunity to prevent that conflict passed us by, and the price has been paid in Ukranian blood. A repeat of this tragedy in Asia is not inevitable and will require a sustained international effort to prevent.
We call upon our governments, together with all of those committed to regional peace and stability, to loudly condemn these actions without delay, to reaffirm shared commitment to maintaining the Status Quo, and to signal resolute willingness to resist the threat or use of force.
Fatmir Mediu MP, Albania
Senator Claire Chandler, Australia
Dr. Hugh McDermott, Australia
Dr. Sanela Klarić MP, Bosnia & Herzegovina
Judy Sgro MP, Canada
James Bezan MP, Canada
Senator Marilou McPhedran, Canada
Senator Pierre J Dalphond, Canada
Senator Pavel Fisher, Czechia
Morten Messerschmidt MP, Denmark
Reinhard Bütikofer MEP, European Parliament
Anna Fotyga MEP, European Parliament
Karin Karlsbro MEP, European Parliament
David Lega MEP, European Parliament
Senator Olivier Cadic, France
Michael Brand MdB, Germany
Boris Mijatovic MdB, Germany
Frank Müller-Rosentritt MdB, Germany
Senator Barry Ward, Ireland
Senator Mary Seery-Kearney, Ireland
Paolo Formentini MP, Italy
Senator Giulio Terzi di Sant'Agata, Italy
Councillor Yasue Funayama, Japan
Representative Gen Nakatani, Japan
Dovile Sakaliene MP, Lithuania
Žygimantas Pavilionis MP, Lithuania
Jan Paternotte MP, The Netherlands
Tom van der Lee MP, The Netherlands
Ingrid Leary MP, New Zealand
Gury Melby MP, Norway
Senator Gustavo Leite, Paraguay
Representative Rufus Rodriguez, The Philippines
Representative Ian Amatong, The Philippines
Cǎtǎlin Tenițǎ MP, Romania
Councillor Elisabet Lann, Sweden
Joar Forssell MP, Sweden
Fabian Molina MP, Switzerland
Nicolas Walder MP, Switzerland
Mykola Kniazhytskyi MP, Ukraine
Oleksandr Merezhko MP, Ukraine
Sir Iain Duncan Smith MP, United Kingdom
Stewart McDonald MP, United Kingdom
Layla Moran MP, United Kingdom
Lord (James) Bethell, United Kingdom
Andrew Selous MP, United Kingdom
Tim Loughton MP, United Kingdom
Marie Rimmer MP, United Kingdom
Representative Raja Krishnamoorthi, United States