Statement on the Expulsion of Opposition Lawmakers from the Hong Kong Legislative Council

November 11, 2020

The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China condemns in the strongest possible terms the disqualification of four pro-democracy legislators from the Hong Kong Legislative Council. We stand in solidarity with the lawmakers expelled and with all the Hong Kong people in this difficult time.  

The expulsion of democratically elected representatives is an unacceptable assault on the high degree of autonomy promised to Hong Kong in the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the Hong Kong Basic Law. That this blatant violation of international law has been made by Beijing’s unelected National People’s Congress Standing Committee demonstrates the contempt with which the Chinese Communist Party and its leadership under Xi Jinping regards the Hong Kong people and their democratic values.

An independent opposition is vital to upholding the human rights, rule of law, political freedoms and democratic process that are an essential part of Hong Kong’s fundamental freedoms and unique way of life. Along with the passing of the National Security Law earlier this year, this move shows the determination of the Chinese government to forcefully end the ‘one country, two systems’ principle guaranteed to the people of Hong Kong in international law.

We call on our governments to take urgent action to hold the Chinese leadership and its Hong Kong outlets accountable for their abuses against the people of Hong Kong and violations of international law. Democratic countries must act quickly and decisively to defend the norms and values of the international rules based order that we all cherish.

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