Statement on the Arrest of Hong Kong Journalists and Activists under the National Security Law

August 11, 2020

The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China is united in condemnation of the arrests of various pro-democracy figures today in Hong Kong.

This highlights the draconian nature of the recently imposed National Security Law and confirms its use as a tool to oppress the people of Hong Kong and deny them their basic liberties. The Hong Kong and Chinese authorities continue to ignore their obligations to protect the fundamental freedoms of Hong Kong citizens guaranteed under international law, including the Sino-British Joint Declaration, the Hong Kong Basic Law and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

We call for the immediate release of those detained and for all charges to be dropped. Failure to do so will represent China taking a further step away from the rule of law and respect for human rights upon which fruitful relations depend, and a further step away from the international community.


Andrew Hastie MP (Australia)
Senator Kimberley Kitching (Australia)
Senator James Paterson (Australia)
Hon. Irwin Cotler (Canada)
Garnett Genuis MP (Canada)
Pavel Fischer MP (Czechia)
Jan Lipavský MP (Czechia)
Reinhard Bütikofer MEP (EU)
Miriam Lexmann MEP (EU)
Senator André Gattolin (France)
Margarete Bause MdB (Germany)
Michael Brand MdB (Germany)
Representative Gen Nakatani (Japan)
Representative Shiori Yamao (Japan)
Mantas Adomėnas (Lithuania)
Simon O’Connor MP (New Zealand)
Louisa Wall MP (New Zealand)
Elisabet Lann (Sweden)
Fredrik Malm MP (Sweden)
Fabian Molina MP (Switzerland)
Sir Iain Duncan Smith MP (UK)
Baroness Helena Kennedy QC (UK)
Senator Bob Menendez (USA)
Senator Marco Rubio (USA)

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