Statement of Solidarity with the Australian People amidst Intimidation from the People’s Republic of China

September 9, 2020

We, members of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, stand in solidarity with the Australian people as they withstand intense pressure from the People’s Republic of China.

In recent weeks China has implemented unwarranted trade sanctions against a number of Australian agricultural exports. This is just the latest instance in a disturbing pattern of behaviour whereby the PRC uses its economic influence to pressure other states into acquiescing to their demands, as also seen in the threats made against Czechia after a parliamentary visit to Taiwan. Mounting evidence now exists, exposing the PRC’s use of trade bans, popular boycotts, visa restrictions, and arbitrary detention of foreign nationals as illegitimate tools in an attempt to gain diplomatic advantage. The PRC’s latest decision, to force out the last two remaining accredited Australian media journalists, shows the extent to which they are willing to bully countries who challenge them.

Democratic countries must be clear that such coercive diplomacy is unacceptable and has no place in a rules based international order based upon reciprocity and mutual respect. Only by standing together will democratic countries be able to resist the PRC’s attempts to rewrite the norms and values of international diplomacy.


Dan Albas MP (Canada)

Hon. Irwin Cotler (Canada)

Tom Kmiec MP (Canada)

David Sweet (Canada)

Sen. Thanh Hai Ngo (Canada)

Pavel Fischer MP (Czechia)

Jan Lipavský MP (Czechia)

Reinhard Bütikofer MEP (EU)

Sandro Gozi MEP (EU)

Karin Karlsbro MEP (EU)

David Lega MEP (EU)

Miriam Lexmann MEP (EU)

Senator André Gattolin (France)

Constance Le Grip MP (France)

Margarete Bause MdB (Germany)

Michael Brand MdB (Germany)

Gyde Jensen MdB (Germany)

Mantas Adomenas MP (Lithuania)

Simon O’Connor MP (New Zealand)

Louisa Wall MP (New Zealand)

Hampus Hagman MP (Sweden)

Elisabett Lann (Sweden)

Fredrik Malm (Sweden)

Niels Paarup-Petersen (Sweden)

Fabian Molina MP (Switzerland)

Jon Pult MP (Switzerland)

Nicolas Walder MP (Switzerland)

Lord (David) Alton (UK)

Rosie Cooper MP (UK)

Iain Duncan Smith MP (UK)

Nusrat Ghani MP (UK)

Timothy Loughton MP (UK)

Craig Mackinlay MP (UK)

Baroness Meyer (UK)

Andrew Selous MP (UK)

Trine Skei Grande MP (Norway)

Henry Smith MP (UK)

Sen. Chris Coons (USA)

Rep. Mike Gallagher (USA)

Senator Bob Menendez (USA)

Senator Marco Rubio (USA)

Rep. Ted Yoho (USA)

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