IPAC reaches 100 Member Watershed
The membership of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China has ballooned to over 100 legislators from 13 countries, in under a week. The rise makes the alliance the single largest bloc of politicians concerned about Beijing’s increasingly assertive behaviour.
At the time of launching, last Friday, the alliance was made up of 18 legislators from 9 countries. It now stands at 104 legislators, drawn from 13 countries across 4 continents.
IPAC is now represented by co-chairs from Italy, Senator Lucio Malan of Forza Italia and Senator Roberto Rampi of the Democratic Party, and the Netherlands, by Arne Weverling MP (VVD) and Martijn van Helvert MP (CDA). Czechia is represented by senior politicians Pavel Fischer MP and Jan Lipavský MP, with Lithuanian MPs Mantas Adomėnas and Dovilė Šakalienė also joining the alliance.
In joining IPAC, each member has agreed to its statement of principles and committed to pushing their governments for a stronger, more concerted line on China under the Chinese Communist Party.
The new members are drawn from nine countries and include 15 representatives from ‘liberal’ parties, 6 representatives of ‘labour’ parties, 3 representatives from ‘green’ parties, as well as — amongst others — Democrats, Republicans, Independence Parties, and Conservatives.
The new US members include Senator Chris Coons (Dem) as well as five Members of the House of Representatives. Meanwhile around the world prominent new members include Guy Verhofstadt (ALDE), former Belgian Prime Minister, and Lord Adonis, the former Labour cabinet minister.
Reinhard Bütikofer MEP, European Parliament co-chair, commented:
“To see IPAC grow and win more widespread and stronger support from an increasing number of parliaments is creating hope. And it signals to the CCP that we parliamentarians are in this for the long haul.”
IPAC expects to confirm at least three more member countries over the coming week.
A full list of members of the alliance is available here.