China Sanctions IPAC Parliamentarians in Retaliation for EU Action on Uyghur Abuses

March 22, 2021

Today the Chinese government has announced sanctions on ten EU individuals and four entities in retaliation for sanctions on Chinese officials responsible for gross human rights abuses.

Members of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC) sanctioned include Reinhard Bütikofer MEP and Miriam Lexmann MEP, co-authors of a European Parliament Resolution in December last year calling for sanctions on Chinese officials responsible for perpetrating human rights abuses against Uyghurs in the Xinjiang region.

IPAC members Belgian MP Samuel Cogolati and Lithuanian MP Dovilė Šakalienė were also sanctioned. Both had backed resolutions in their respective parliaments declaring China’s treatment of Uyghur Muslims as a ‘genocide’.

Leading China scholar and IPAC Advisor Adrian Zenz was also singled out for sanctions. Zenz has previously published research on mass forced sterilization and widespread forced labour in the Xinjiang region.

A statement issued by China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that these individuals and their families would be banned from visiting China and banned from conducting business with China.

The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China issues a statement, the full copy of which is attached, saying:

“IPAC deplores these attempts by the Chinese Government to intimidate and silence our parliamentary members and advisors. IPAC will not be distracted from its mission, which is to defend the principles of a fair and rights-respecting world order, which has come under severe strain in recent years owing to the actions of the current leadership of the Communist Party of China. We will not bow to attempts to suppress free speech in our legislatures, universities or other public spaces. Authentic dialogue must be grounded in tolerance and mutual respect. Public intimidation of foreign politicians and researchers by the Chinese Government only serves to undermine and discredit their message.”

Miriam Lexmann, Member of the European Parliament commented:

“We will not be silenced. These sanctions will only serve to redouble our efforts to ensure that our governments do the utmost to hold the Chinese government accountable for gross violations of human rights.
Do not think about me, think about the thousands imprisoned in Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong for daring to oppose the Chinese Communist Party’s oppressive rule.”

Samuel Cogolati, Member of the Belgian Chamber of Representatives commented:

“Whatever costs those of us sanctioned may bear pale in comparison to the suffering of the Uyghurs, Tibetans and Hong Kongers that continue to be subject to the most severe persecution. We will continue to do all within our power to advocate on their behalf, we will not give up the fight.”

Dovilė Šakalienė, member of the Lithuanian Seimas commented:

“These sanctions show how afraid the Chinese government is of those who reveal the truth. The atrocities taking place in the Xinjiang Uyghur region are echoes of the darkest chapters of the 20th century. The world cannot turn a blind eye to these abuses any longer.”
“Human rights are not for sale, and “good old communist methods” won’t work on me, the daughter and granddaughter of a family that suffered as political prisoners under the Soviets.”


Today the Chinese government has announced sanctions on ten EU individuals and four entities in retaliation for sanctions on Chinese officials responsible for gross human rights abuses.

Members of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China sanctioned include Reinhard Bütikofer MEP, Samuel Cogolati MP,  Miriam Lexmann MEP and Dovilė Šakalienė MP, alongside IPAC Advisor Adrian Zenz.

IPAC deplores these attempts by the Chinese Government to intimidate and silence our parliamentary members and advisors.

IPAC will not be distracted from its mission, which is to defend the principles of a fair and rights-respecting world order, which has come under severe strain in recent years owing to the actions of the current leadership of the Communist Party of China. We will not bow to attempts to suppress free speech in our legislatures, universities or other public spaces.

Authentic dialogue must be grounded in tolerance and mutual respect. Public intimidation of foreign politicians and researchers by the Chinese Government only serves to undermine and discredit their message.

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