IPAC Parliamentarians Call on Governments Internationally to Condemn China Bullying and Show Solidarity with Australia

December 15, 2020

Politicians from the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC) have written to their respective governments urging them to condemn the Chinese government’s sanctions and threats against Australia in a public statement of solidarity with the Australian people.

The calls were made in a coordinated series of letters signed by IPAC co-chairs representing parliamentarians in nine legislatures including Canada, Germany, France, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the European Parliament.

Signatories to the letter represent a diverse group of political allegiances, with German Green Party MEP Reinhard Bütikofer, former leader of the UK Conservative Party Sir Iain Duncan Smith MP and French En Marche Senator André Gattolin all taking part in the joint appeal. 

The letter comes after a global campaign launched by IPAC members encouraging individuals to buy Australian wine in solidarity with Australian wine producers went viral on social media, receiving over half a million views and drawing support from the White House National Security Committee and the Taiwanese government. 

The letter claims that Chinese government’s punitive trade sanctions on Australia are symptomatic of a broader refusal to abide by the norms, values and standards of the international rules based order. It criticises the Chinese government’s “coercive diplomacy” and condemns the ‘List of 14 Grievances’ sent to the Australian government.

IPAC co-chair and Australian Labour Senator Kimberley Kitching commented: 

“That parliamentarians representing such a wide range of regional and political backgrounds have been so vocal in their solidarity with Australia is testament to a growing awareness of the common values that bind democratic States together.”
“Australia has lasting and meaningful relationships with democracies not only because this is mutually beneficial, but also because we share values – after all, friends help each other out in times of need.” 

Scanned copies of the letters sent are available below.


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