Statement on the Passing of the Hong Kong ‘Patriot’ Law

May 28, 2021

The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China condemns the passing of the so-called ‘patriot’ electoral reform law by the remaining members of the Hong Kong Legislative Council.

These anti-democratic changes represent a further dismantling of Hong Kong’s electoral system and demonstrate the Chinese government’s continued determination to silence all opposition in the city. By seeking to bar critical voices from standing for election, the people of Hong Kong will be left with a fabricated and hollowed out democracy.

We call upon democratic states to take urgent and unprecedented steps, including joint, punitive economic actions, to hold the Chinese government accountable for its assault on the freedoms and autonomy guaranteed to Hong Kong under international law. No state can be allowed to violate international law with impunity.

The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China stands in solidarity with all Hong Kong democrats, who continue to advocate for their freedoms at home and in exile.  

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