Statement on the Arrest of over 50 Hong Kong Activists, Politicians and Lawyers

January 6, 2021

The Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China is united in condemnation of the arrest of over 50 Hong Kong pan-democrat politicians, activists and lawyers and calls on the international community to take urgent action.

Those arrested had taken part in primary polling for pro-democracy groups, with the aim of standing in the later illegitimately postponed Legislative Council elections. Many are reportedly held under spurious charges of ‘subversion’ under the Hong Kong National Security Law, providing further proof that this law is being used to crackdown on all forms of political opposition in the city.

Today’s arrests demonstrate that despite widespread international condemnation, the Chinese and Hong Kong authorities remain undeterred in their determination to destroy the last remnants of Hong Kong’s autonomy, freedoms and rule of law. The Chinese government is making clear and repeated breaches of the Sino-British Joint Declaration, an international treaty lodged at the United Nations.

We call on all members of the international community to honour their promises to the people of Hong Kong and take urgent and unprecedented action to hold China accountable for these violations of international law.

Mere words are not enough. We call on democratic countries to take immediate action at the United Nations and to consider what joint, punitive economic action can be taken to ensure the Chinese government reconsiders its actions.

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