Statement on sanctions issued against UK members

March 26, 2021

Today the Chinese government has announced retaliatory sanctions on nine UK individuals and four entities who have spoken out on the persecution of Uyghurs and other ethnic and religious minorities in China.

Those sanctioned include five members of the Inter-Parliamentary alliance on China: Sir Iain Duncan-Smith MP, Baroness Helena Kennedy, Lord David Alton, Nusrat Ghani MP and Tim Loughton MP. Sanctions were also issued on British academics, barristers and law firms.

IPAC is united in condemnation of the Chinese government’s repeated moves to silence our members. The Chinese government has once again demonstrated that it can brook no criticism. We vow to continue to do all in our power to speak out for those oppressed by the rule of the Chinese Communist Party.

IPAC UK members are seeking urgent reassurances from ministers that the government will defend the right of elected representatives to speak out without fear of threats or intimidation. We call on the government to urgently review attempts by the Chinese government to undermine free and open public debate.


Sir Iain Duncan Smith, co-chair of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, commented:

“The Chinese government can brook no criticism. These sanctions are an attack on our democracy. I am urgently seeking reassurances from Ministers that the government will defend the right of elected representatives to speak out without fear of intimidation.”

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