Over 100 Parliamentarians Call for Release of Jailed Hong Kong Activist Andy Li in Global Statement

April 1, 2021

An international cross-party group of over 100 parliamentarians have signed a statement in support of jailed Hong Kong activist Andy Li in a move coordinated by the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China. Nearly all of the legislators singled out for sanctions by the Chinese government last week are included in the signatories.

Andy Li was arrested under Hong Kong’s National Security Law in August last year. Fearing that he would not receive a fair trial, Andy Li was one of the 12 Hong Kong youths who mounted a failed attempt to flee to Taiwan. For the past seven months, Andy Li had been imprisoned in Shenzhen on charges of attempting to cross the border illegally.

Last month, Andy Li was transferred to Hong Kong where he is reportedly held in solitary confinement in a psychiatric unit with an alleged history of abuses against its inmates. He has been denied access to his family or chosen lawyers.

Represented among the 115 signatories to the statement are parliamentarians across 18 legislatures, including the United States, the European Parliament, Japan, Australia and the United Kingdom. Signatories from the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China include US Senators Bob Menendez, Jeff Merkley and Marco Rubio, former leader of the UK Conservative Party Sir Iain Duncan Smith, German Greens Margarete Bause MdB and Reinhard Bütikofer MEP, Australian Senator Kimberley Kitching and former Japanese defence minister Rep Gen Nakatani.

The statement calls on the Hong Kong authorities to release Andy Li and all other political prisoners. Andy Li’s case is described as “emblematic of the Chinese Government’s ruthless crackdown on Hong Kong’s way of life, and disregard for the international treaties designed to protect it.”

The signatories commit to making urgent representations on Andy’s behalf to their respective governments.

Beatrice Li, Andy Li’s sister said:

“If Andy is being silenced then we who are still free have to speak up for him. Beijing could try to take individuals, but they can’t kill us all. Andy knows this, too. If we show solidarity with him, we believe change can happen.”

Miriam Lexmann MEP, co-chair of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, said:

“Our concerns for Andy Li grow day by day. Andy is a peace loving democrat, a true Hong Konger who has done no wrong. The Hong Kong authorities must release him and all other political prisoners. The international community must send a clear message to Beijing: Andy Li will not be forgotten.”

Chris Bryant MP, member of the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China and the UK Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee said:

“Andy Li’s continued detention in solitary confinement is highly distressing. Andy Li is a peaceful citizen who loves Hong Kong. His courage and fortitude is an inspiration to us all. Our governments must make urgent representations to the Chinese and Hong Kong authorities, demanding that Andy Li be released without delay.”


We the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China, together with our allies, deplore the treatment of Hong Kong democracy campaigner, Andy Li.

Having been detained for seven months in Shenzhen, Andy has now been returned to Hong Kong where he has been remanded to solitary confinement in a psychiatric facility. His family has not been able to contact him.

Such cruel and inhumane treatment is particularly egregious in light of the fact that Andy has done nothing to warrant it.

Andy Li is a peace-loving democrat, motivated by love for his home city and the fulfilment of the promises made to Hong Kong through the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the Basic Law.

His case has become emblematic of the Chinese Government’s ruthless crackdown on Hong Kong’s way of life, and disregard for the international treaties designed to protect it.

We call upon the Hong Kong authorities to release Andy Li together with all of those unjustly detained for democracy activism. We commit to making urgent representations on Andy’s behalf to our respective governments.




Senator Eric Abetz

Kevin Andrews MP

Senator Alex Antic

George Christensen MP

Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells

Senator Kimberley Kitching

Senator James Paterson*


Samuel Cogolati MP*

Georges Dallemagne MP


James Bezan MP

Hon Irwin Cotler

Senator Pierre Dalphond

Raquel Dancho MP

Kerry-Lynne Findlay MP

Garnett Genuis MP*

Senator Leo Housakos

Matt Jeneroux MP

Paul Manly MP

John McKay MP

Marty Morantz MP

Senator Jim Munson

Senator Thanh Hai Ngo

Senator Marilou McPhedran

Senator Heather McPherson*


Senator Pavel Fischer

Helena Langšádlová MP

Jan Lipavský MP


Uffe Elbæk MP

European Parliament

François-Xavier Bellamy MEP

Mara Bizzotto MEP

Reinhard Bütikofer MEP*

Engin Eroglu MEP

Anna Fotyga MEP

Sandro Gozi MEP

Michael Gahler MEP*

Miriam Lexmann MEP*

Antonio Tajani MEP

Hilde Vautmans MEP


Frédérique Dumas MP

Senator André Gattolin

Constance Le Grip MP

Senator André Vallini


Margarete Bause MdB

Michael Brand MdB*

Gyde Jensen MdB


Senator Malcolm Byrne

Senator Michael McDowell

Senator David Norris

Senator Barry Ward


Senator Alessandro Alfieri

Matteo Luigi Bianchi MP

Enrico Borghi MP

Paolo Formentini MP

Andrea Delmastro Delle Vedove MP

Alessandro Giglio Vigna MP

Senator Lucio Malan

Lia Quartapelle MP

Senator Roberto Rampi

Senator Isabella Rauti

Senator Adolfo Urso


Rep. Ryu Hirofumi

Rep. Mito Kakizawa

Rep. Hidehiro Mitani

Rep. Takashi Nagao

Rep. Akihisa Nagashima

Rep. Gen Nakatani

Rep. Kensuke Onishi

Rep. Shu Sakurai

Rep. Shiori Yamao


Laurynas Kasčiūnas MP

Dovilė Šakalienė MP*

New Zealand

Simon O’Connor MP

Louisa Wall MP


Michael Tetzschner MP


David Josefsson MP

Elisabet Lann

Fredrik Malm MP


Lisa Mazzone MP

Franziska Ryser MP

Nicolas Walder MP

United Kingdom

Imran Ahmad Khan MP

Lord (David) Alton*

Baroness (Natalie) Bennett

Chris Bryant MP

Alistair Carmichael MP

Sarah Champion MP

Rosie Cooper MP

Judith Cummins MP

Janet Daby MP

Geraint Davies MP

David Davis MP

Sir Iain Duncan-Smith MP*

Baroness (Frances) D’Souza

Nusrat Ghani MP*

Damian Green MP

Wera Hobhouse MP

Lord (Phillip) Hunt

Christine Jardine MP

Baroness (Jenny) Jones

Baroness (Helena) Kennedy*

Tim Loughton MP*

Shabana Mahmood MP

Craig Mackinlay MP

Siobhain McDonagh MP

Stuart McDonald MP

Baroness (Catherine) Meyer

Layla Moran MP

Ian Paisley MP

Lord (Matt) Ridley

Andrew Rosindell MP

Bob Seely MP

Andrew Selous MP

Lord (Kevin) Shinkwin

Baroness (Frances) D’Souza

Stephen Timms MP

United States

Rep. Joaquin Castro

Rep. Mike Gallagher

Senator Bob Menendez

Senator Jeff Merkley

Senator Marco Rubio*

IPAC Advisors and Secretariat

Luke de Pulford (IPAC Coordinator)

Anne-Marie Brady (University of Canterbury)

Donald Clarke (George Washington University)

Andreas Fulda (University of Nottingham)

Akira Igata (Center for Rule-making Strategy)

Dimon Liu

Rahima Mahmut (World Uyghur Congress)

Peter Mattis

Eva Pils (King’s College London)

Mareike Ohlberg* (German Marshall Fund)

Robert L. Suettinger

Benedict Rogers (Hong Kong Watch)

Joey Siu (Hong Kong Watch)

Bhuchung Tsering (International Campaign for Tibet)

Vicky Xu

Adrian Zenz* (Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation)


Dean Baxendale (China Democracy Foundation)

Bill Browder

Dolkun Isa (World Uyghur Congress)

*These individuals have been targeted by travel bans or sanctions by the Chinese government, either individually or through institutional affiliation.

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