Canadian House of Commons Passes Motion on UN Resolution 2758

On the 6th of November, Canada’s House of Commons unanimously adopted a motion rejecting the PRC’s interpretation of UN Resolution 2758 regarding Taiwan’s status.
Led by Members Yves Perron MP(Bloc Québécois) and Judy Sgro MP (Liberal), the motion affirms that UN Resolution 2758 does not establish PRC sovereignty over Taiwan nor determine Taiwan’s future status in the UN or any international agencies.
Canada is now the fourth parliament, after Australia, the Netherlands, and the European Parliament, to pass such a motion, as part of IPAC’s Initiative 2758. This initiative, supported by over 50 IPAC members in Taipei this July, Mr Perron was among them.
Yves Perron MP, Bloc Québécois politician from Canada said:
"I am grateful to all party leaderships for their support for this motion, which demonstrates Canada's unequivocal cross-party support for Taiwan, together with our concerns about Beijing's distortion of international law. We look forward to working towards greater Cross-Strait stability, which is in everyone's interests."
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan said:
"We commend Canada's House of Commons for its unanimous motion affirming that UNGA Resolution 2758 does not establish PRC sovereignty over Taiwan nor prevent our participation in the UN. Our thanks to Yves Perron MP for championing this motion. Democracies must stand together for our shared values."