IPAC Newsletter 15 January 2021

The Canadian government issued an advisory for businesses operating in Xinjiang, citing widespread forced labour and grave human rights abuses. This answers calls made by IPAC members for supply chain risk profiles to be updated for the region. 

European Union
25 IPAC members of the European Parliament and EU member states met to discuss concerns with the EU-China CAI investment deal. The meeting was chaired by Miriam Lexmann MEP and Reinhard Bütikofer MEP, with labour standards and the lack of transparency in the CAI deal among topics raised during the meeting.

IPAC co-chairs Sen. Roberto Rampi and Sen. Lucio Malan gave interviews to Deutsche Welle, raising concerns on China’s human rights record and growing influence in Europe.

United Kingdom
The UK government announced import restrictions on goods linked with forced labour supply chains in the Xinjiang region, a move long called for by IPAC members

Eleven IPAC MPs representing four parties spoke in the House of Commons urging the government to support an amendment to the Trade Bill that would give domestic courts power to rule on genocide, as reported in the Guardian

United States
IPAC co-chair Sen. Marco Rubio joined with Sen. Jeff Merkley in backing the ‘genocide amendment’ to the UK Trade Bill bought forward by IPAC members, as published in the Telegraph.